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2021 Poetry Competition Winners
Vultures & Doves: Social Issues of Our Time
Valiant Scribe Literary Journal launched its first-ever poetry competition on 28 May 2021. The contest "Vultures & Doves: Social Issues of Our Time" accepted submissions until 15 August 2021, garnering up to five hundred and forty-seven (547) admissible entries.
To ensure the fair and transparent consideration of each poem, a Valiant Scribe volunteer kindly processed all submissions to ensure each entry was saved as a separate Word document with no identifiable markers. This enabled a blind judging process by Des Mannay, Jaime Grookett, and Debra Ayis.
After six rounds of deliberation, the judges voted for the finalists. We are pleased to announce the following winners and honorable mentions:
First Place
"No Hymn Flowering in the Morning"
Watch Author Interview Here.
Second Place
"Korean Survivors of the Japanese 'Comfort Women' System"
Third Place
Honorable Mention
"At a Photography Exhibition by Teenage Afghan Refugees"
"They Still Write Love Poems"
"The Cover-Up"
"Nocturne No. 2"
Compensation is as follows:
First place: USD 250, author video interview & featured inclusion in Valiant Scribe's next issue.
Second prize: USD 100, & inclusion in Valiant Scribe's next issue.
Third prize: USD 50, & inclusion in Valiant Scribe's next issue.
As indicated in the competition announcement, Valiant Scribe will include all winning entries, honorable mentions, and other notable submissions in Issue Two (2) of the Valiant Scribe Literary Journal titled "Vultures & Doves: Social Issues of Our Time" with a projected publication date of December 2021. All contributors will receive a free e-copy of the Journal, and the public is invited to purchase copies on Amazon to enjoy the highly relevant, moving, and hopeful poems featured in the Journal and to support Valiant Scribe in its efforts to bring forward voices advocating for peace, human rights, and unity.