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Quarantine Song, a Poem by Jackson Dammann
Isolation speaks our fragility to the shadows lurking in the ruins of us, saying they’re weak alone they shatter, alone they’re just...
Nov 10, 20231 min read

Pandemic Spring and Then What? a Poem by Elaine Zimmerman
The groundhog does not see his shadow today but I give you mine for the number of springs we missed together. Buds will open in this...
Mar 31, 20232 min read

When It Happens, a Poem by Lisa Reynolds
when it happens i no longer fight it i let it do what it needs to the cleverness i possessed is gone replaced by a what will be, will be...
Jan 14, 20221 min read

Non-Essentials, a Poem by C.J. Williams
all, in masks, and the boy, in thunderbird-pokemon pants asks mom, how come? the question lasts and the sign on the storefront, splashed...
C.J. Williams
Apr 24, 20211 min read

Covid Diary Winter/Spring 2020, a Short Story by Christine Jacobsen
Our son, Alek moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in early December 2019. We Facetime every day. I’m nervous he is 24 hours away but...
Christine Jacobsen
Sep 18, 20203 min read

Pandemic Silence, a Short Story by Carmen Șurariu
Living in a crowded city, you tend to forget what a “quiet street” is. Car horns, brakes, people roaming around, laughing or arguing, the...
Carmen Șurariu
Sep 11, 20203 min read

Corona Summer: Safe at Home, a Poem by Jim Andrukonis
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'. No crack of the bat or sluice of dirt As you fly feet-first into third. No dramatic...
Jim Andrukonis
Aug 30, 20201 min read

Quarantine Prayer, a Poem by Almond Syiem
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'. for them counting breaths in strange seclusion, in complex friendship with oxygenating...
Almond Syiem
Aug 26, 20201 min read

The Water-Tank, a Poem by Fatima Farhad
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'. A poem in response to Youth Speaks' “Writing Prompts to Bridge Social Distance”. You...
Fatima Farhad
Aug 23, 20202 min read

On Stephen’s Lawn, a Short Story by Joan Potter
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'. My son Stephen pulls three chairs onto the grass and wipes them with disinfectant...
Joan Potter
Aug 19, 20202 min read

Riding This Out, a Poem by Stephen House
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'. my mum is ninety and in a nursing home her main joy is the visits she gets but the...
Stephen House
Aug 16, 20202 min read

Another Lock-down Day During the Covid-19 Crisis, a Short Story by Silas Rallings
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID' This day was nice, no less than that, the smog calmed the sun into a tree of whispering...
Silas Rallings
Aug 12, 20201 min read

Social Dissonance, a Poem by Des Mannay
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'. Coronavirus has pushed the death toll in the United Kingdom to its highest level since...
Des Mannay
Aug 9, 20203 min read

Credit to All the Front-line Healthcare Workers, a Poem by Ndaba Sibanda
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID' A planet caught up in anxiety, a myriad, a cloud of uncertainties a globe caught up in...
Aug 5, 20201 min read

This Thoreauvian Moment, a Short Story by Bob Kunzinger
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID.' Henry David Thoreau chose to leave society and live at Walden Pond for a couple of...
Aug 2, 20204 min read

Focusing on the Good, a Poem by Linda M. Crate
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID' there will always be concerns and worries, some monster waiting to kill us with fangs...
Jul 29, 20201 min read

I'm Struggling to Manage My Mental Health in Isolation, A Short Story by Amy Horton
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID' Before COVID-19, I would’ve told you that two months of ample time to do what I pleased...
Jul 26, 20203 min read

COVID-19 and Dahlias, a Poem by Ken Pobo
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'. When I exhale in my mask my glasses fog up. Today is humid. I can barely see where I’m...
Kenneth Pobo
Jul 22, 20201 min read

The Muskrat in the Rear-View Mirror, a Short Story by Karen Weyant
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID' The muskrat dodges in front of my car, and I manage to pull the front wheels to the...
Jul 19, 20202 min read

Footprints, a Poem by JP Lorence
For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID' The sidewalk is an empty wasteland. Yesterday it teemed with life, with love, with...
Jul 15, 20201 min read
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