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Jul 26, 20242 min read
Masquerading as Crows, a Short Story by Awara Fernandez
Until then, I long for my father to find rest, to fly away on the wings of a dove,* which is perhaps masquerading as a crow...

Jul 19, 20241 min read
Last Words, a Poem by John C. Mannone
killed a man whose words still echo
forgiveness in the spaces under
the Walnut Street Bridge, even
the unspoken ones they know

Jul 12, 20241 min read
Prayer 6, a Poem by Robert Nersesian
I wanted to leave this earth,
join you and your son.
You wanted nothing of it.
Sent angels to rip up my passport,
keep me in the country.

Jul 5, 20241 min read
ADHD & Me, a Poem by Haylee Silvia
An adjective people throw around
when feeling energetic or unfocused.
A joke for most is a reality for me.

Jun 28, 20244 min read
Sheridan from Cavan, an Essay by Maeve McCormack
The last time I passed by the house it was derelict and overgrown, regressing to an Irish-style wilderness.

Jun 21, 20242 min read
The Old Tracks, a Poem by Nolo Segundo
I walked where
Passenger trains
Carried lives and
Their once warm,
Now cold, dreams
And I was part of
Each life, now gone
To ether and mist

Jun 14, 20241 min read
Midnight Influx, a Poem by Patrick Morgan
as we kickboard our lives
across imaginary lines
our hearts tied up in plastic bags
drifting out to sea.

Jun 7, 20242 min read
A Chance For Salvation, a Poem by Carol Alena Aronoff
I am expatriate,
my motherland,
the one that birthed
and then betrayed me,
no longer my home.
No songs of redemption,
no longer

May 31, 20245 min read
Daily Resurrection, Creative Non-fiction by Beth Yoakum
Her writing became bolder. In the long, lonely hours alone, she ruminated over the fate of those captured.

May 24, 20241 min read
Above Rio de Janeiro, a Poem by John C. Mannone
The forest never sleeps
and also cries for redemption, the soul
of the Amazon, the trees of life-giving

May 17, 20241 min read
Granville, a Poem by David Pring-Mill
Meth, opioids, other street drugs claim
a spot on the pavement, offering
communion with the concrete, the dark
like a stern overlord,

May 10, 20241 min read
To the Homeless Man I Lied To, a Poem by Patrick Morgan
I’m sorry. I didn’t recognize you,
in the soiled coat and blue jeans,
shuffling along the subway station,
praying for money from heaven.

May 3, 20248 min read
Ventriloquist, a Short Story by R. Craig Sautter
“If there is no God, what is left?” he interrogated himself. He stood motionless in a warm, dry wind, felt himself falling into an eternity

Apr 26, 20242 min read
Another Military Coup, a Poem by Michael Shoemaker
shallow breathing - high piercing sirens screech in the streets -
crouching shoulders - whispers -
fences keeping enemies of the state in -

Apr 12, 20241 min read
The Vision Returns, a Poem by David Dephy
The clouds above you form as the moon rises, you try to give them a sense of purpose, you know that the messenger with the bad news won’t...

Apr 5, 20245 min read
Moria, a Short Story by Caroline Siebbeles
My home in Syria, loud bangs I hear, my hands on my ears, mama say bombs fall from the sky, she grab me down the stairs like she is the wind

Mar 29, 20241 min read
My Substitute Warrior, a Poem by Michael Shoemaker
To my brother and surrogate
thank you for gifting me life
to see the light in my
unborn son's eyes,

Mar 22, 20241 min read
On a Saturday Night in the Inner City, a Poem by John Grey
The siren startles with its high-pitched fever, late summer night, sending folks scrambling down side streets or indoors. Cops are either...

Mar 15, 20241 min read
Refugees, a Poem by Craig Kirchner
And in the undisturbed
brick and limestone,
everything quietly waiting for
the nocturnal, the gutters to run clear,

Mar 8, 20248 min read
Fault, a Short Story by Anna Ross
My parents decided not to give my brother a funeral. I guess they didn’t want to talk about his death. I know I didn’t. Instead, we had a...
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