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Mar 1, 20241 min read
My 3-year-old Draws a Family Portrait, a Poem by Kuo Zhang
We ALL look
so alien,
just as what we’re called
on the official documents.

Feb 23, 20241 min read
How Much Vengeance Is Enough? a Poem by Mark D. Stucky
Can we exit this interlocked sequence
of oppression and reflexive violence?

Feb 16, 20241 min read
Becoming Untouchable, a Prose Poem by Marcia W. Mount Shoop
Becoming untouchable takes time. Start young. Instill quiet oppression. Reinforce the stakes, ignore the quakes, the terror. Regular...

Feb 9, 20241 min read
Where There’s Smoke, a Poem by Donna Pucciani
A sky bathed in haze veils the prairies, bringing another day of whitish-grey over corn and soybeans and the skyscrapers of Chicago.

Feb 2, 20242 min read
She Lifts Her Burka, a Prose Poem by Alicia Viguer-Espert
This woman who shows me her lovely fifteen-year-old face, polished nails bright red, and the green eyes of a 1985 National Geographic cover.

Jan 26, 20241 min read
Hallowed Ground, a Poem by Pat Anthony
Today a smoky haze hangs over the trees drapes the fields Wildfires from Canada dropping down on the wind and I think again of Maui...

Jan 19, 20241 min read
The Owl, a Poem by Tasneem Hossain
I sit on the trees in the middle of the nights,
Looking at the stars and northern lights.
I see in the dark, the reality of life;

Jan 5, 20248 min read
Whys and Wherefores, a Short Story by William Cass
Luis had been a patient of mine for less than a year. He’d been referred to me by his primary care physician on the south side of San...

Dec 8, 20231 min read
Without Works, a Poem by Scott Thomas Outlar
Parading in front of cameras and complaining incessantly about the world’s problems without offering any solutions of your own is about...

Dec 1, 20231 min read
Journey into Winter, a Poem by Peter Kaczmarczyk
Journey into winter in a mother’s eyes Sun shines through, fleeting moments A lucid smile breaks the clouds Reminders of her summer life...

Nov 24, 20232 min read
In My Room’s Solitude, a Poem by Sofiul Azam
What one writer can make in the solitude of one room is something no power can easily destroy. – Salman Rushdie I don’t need your praise...

Nov 17, 20232 min read
Stranded, a Poem by Carolyn Martin
Afghanistan’s Kyrgyz nomads survive in one of the most remote, high-altitude, bewitching landscapes on Earth. It’s a heavenly life – and...

Nov 10, 20231 min read
Quarantine Song, a Poem by Jackson Dammann
Isolation speaks our fragility to the shadows lurking in the ruins of us, saying they’re weak alone they shatter, alone they’re just...

Nov 3, 20233 min read
МОЇ ЖІНКИ / My Women, Prose by Yuliia Iliukha, translated into English by Hanna Leliv
жінка, яку окупували у власному домі, перетворилася на страх. вона боялася, що її здасть сусідка навпроти. кілька років тому вони аж до...

Oct 27, 20231 min read
The Cost of a Human Life, a Poem by Michael Shoemaker
I sat as an observer in a state’s superior court. First-degree murder was the charge. Cold-blooded calculated murder was the act. One...

Debra Ayis
Oct 17, 20231 min read
Jaded, a Poem by Debra Ayis
I am Jaded The pretense, treachery, Deception and lies Dark unyielding hearts controlled by hate I am hardened The wars, the conflict...

Oct 13, 20231 min read
Your Own Heart, a Poem by Peter Kaczmarczyk
I grew up thinking My suburban life Filled with liberal minds And high-minded rhetoric Had taught me all I needed to know But you cannot...

Oct 6, 20232 min read
After Coming Out of the Cocoon, a Poem by Sofiul Azam
if I started, “Once upon a time, not so long ago, lived a man with a habit of regretting his mistakes and making more in the process,”...

Oct 4, 20231 min read
Even Jesus Asked Where God Was, a Poem by Renee Emerson*
Each week the technician presses the wand across my womb. I know better than to ask for interpretations, the half-heart still flickering,...

Oct 4, 20231 min read
Since I Saw the Ocean, a Poem by Sarah-Kate Simons*
they ask me if i still think of death, i say i always have a shadow, like shafts of rain falling in sunlight. i don’t need monsters and...
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