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Dec 20, 20243 min read
Unwrapping Christmas, a Short Story by Awara Fernandez
Secondly, the rest of the children’s voices suddenly rose up and filled the room.
And then, John began to spin.

Dec 6, 20242 min read
The Face of Tomorrow, a Poem by Nana Amma Adomaa Abrefa
Feeding the youth with the milk of deception,
Grooming them to believe the world owes them.
They hold the world at ransom...

Aug 23, 20244 min read
Mother's Day, a Short Story by Kenneth M. Kapp
Old age does have its perks. I don’t have to take off my shoes going through security when I fly.

May 31, 20245 min read
Daily Resurrection, Creative Non-fiction by Beth Yoakum
Her writing became bolder. In the long, lonely hours alone, she ruminated over the fate of those captured.

May 3, 20248 min read
Ventriloquist, a Short Story by R. Craig Sautter
“If there is no God, what is left?” he interrogated himself. He stood motionless in a warm, dry wind, felt himself falling into an eternity

Apr 5, 20245 min read
Moria, a Short Story by Caroline Siebbeles
My home in Syria, loud bangs I hear, my hands on my ears, mama say bombs fall from the sky, she grab me down the stairs like she is the wind

Mar 1, 20241 min read
My 3-year-old Draws a Family Portrait, a Poem by Kuo Zhang
We ALL look
so alien,
just as what we’re called
on the official documents.

Feb 2, 20242 min read
She Lifts Her Burka, a Prose Poem by Alicia Viguer-Espert
This woman who shows me her lovely fifteen-year-old face, polished nails bright red, and the green eyes of a 1985 National Geographic cover.

Nov 17, 20232 min read
Stranded, a Poem by Carolyn Martin
Afghanistan’s Kyrgyz nomads survive in one of the most remote, high-altitude, bewitching landscapes on Earth. It’s a heavenly life – and...

Sep 29, 20233 min read
My New Father Has More and Better, a Short Story by Awara Fernandez
Our sons lived for five years in an orphanage in the rainforest of Puerto Maldonado, Peru after their biological parents died. When our...

Sep 8, 20236 min read
Lost Boys, a Short Story by Ann van Wijgerden
Chaos. Wrenching at her. It will sweep her away if it can. Clari’s left hand grips the gummy steering wheel, her right the stubborn gear...

Aug 25, 20232 min read
Neverland, Flash Fiction by Daylund Prior
I am not a lost boy.
Lost girl. It doesn’t sound the same, the name doesn’t roll off the tongue. No, girls cannot be allowed in Neverland.

Aug 18, 20231 min read
Chosen Child, a Poem by Robert Funderburk
He stumbled much
Always arose knowing
Another enemy waited
As the mother shed
Her tears in solitude
Seeing in him
A heart as pure as

Jun 2, 20237 min read
Stationery, Short Story by Kenneth M. Kapp
Harry pneumatically lowered the front of the bus. John smiled, went along with the joke, and hunched over as if he were an old man. He...

Paula Pivko
May 19, 20233 min read
The Monster, a Poem by Paula Pivko
2020 was the cruelest year breeding ice-cold storms from pain and hatred long kept hidden away from the sun’s light. Something caged...

Jan 27, 20231 min read
Escape from Trash Life, Staten Island 1998, a Poem by Tanya Tuzeo
i woke with the sun that summer / reeking dump familiar with its liquefying salty ozone and human marzipan / and rollerbladed to the...

Nov 25, 20221 min read
Life and Liberty in America 2022 AD, a Poem by Melissa Brander
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. But there is nothing right or seemly that those we have asked to die are doctors. teachers....

Sep 9, 20222 min read
Extras From a Movie: Ludlow Massacre, 1914, a Poem by Lenore Weiss
1. The ghost girl was Little Lucy, no connection to Lucille Ball, flashed her dimples, red hair on the Capitol Mall, wore smoke-soaked...

Aug 26, 20226 min read
The Twisted Inversion of Labor-Bought Dreams, an Essay by Haile E.
As we entered high school and began preparing for the next four years that would culminate in either an acceptance or rejection to our...

Jun 29, 20228 min read
Abortion: A Morality Story, an Essay by Kimberly L. Robinson
This is for the Church. I do not, as a rule, object to anyone of any persuasion reading my humble prose. So, Taoists, those who follow...
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