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Dec 20, 20243 min read
Unwrapping Christmas, a Short Story by Awara Fernandez
Secondly, the rest of the children’s voices suddenly rose up and filled the room.
And then, John began to spin.

Dec 13, 20244 min read
Five Ways to Love a Stranger This Christmas, a Devotional by Debra Ayis
Once again, it’s Christmas—the season of merriment, goodwill, and cheer. For most, it’s a time for family and friends, and a time to...

Nov 22, 20246 min read
Looking for God in My Enemy’s Breath, an Essay by Jessica Natasha Lawrence
—it’s the pain of those unmet needs that exposes your claws and bares your teeth. Every fallen feather is a prayer—God, save this world.

Nov 1, 20242 min read
Concealment and Confession, a Poem by Mark James Trisko
we are children of a God who has given us
everything we know and want, but don’t understand
and so, I am a muddled and confused human

Oct 11, 20241 min read
Faith Alone, a Poem by Robert Funderburk
Words are not an action
Nor downcast looks the heart of grief
Whether in soul or transgressed body
A warm embrace and prayer sincere

Jul 12, 20241 min read
Prayer 6, a Poem by Robert Nersesian
I wanted to leave this earth,
join you and your son.
You wanted nothing of it.
Sent angels to rip up my passport,
keep me in the country.

May 24, 20241 min read
Above Rio de Janeiro, a Poem by John C. Mannone
The forest never sleeps
and also cries for redemption, the soul
of the Amazon, the trees of life-giving

May 3, 20248 min read
Ventriloquist, a Short Story by R. Craig Sautter
“If there is no God, what is left?” he interrogated himself. He stood motionless in a warm, dry wind, felt himself falling into an eternity

Feb 23, 20241 min read
How Much Vengeance Is Enough? a Poem by Mark D. Stucky
Can we exit this interlocked sequence
of oppression and reflexive violence?

Jan 12, 20244 min read
ReciproCity, Non-fiction by Angela Townsend
I tell myself that compassion is my calling, and God will gather my fallen stories. He has given me a mother and friends who care about...

Oct 4, 20231 min read
Even Jesus Asked Where God Was, a Poem by Renee Emerson*
Each week the technician presses the wand across my womb. I know better than to ask for interpretations, the half-heart still flickering,...

Sep 1, 20231 min read
As the Crow Flies, a Prose Poem by Joe Bisicchia
Feather instead my wings. All the way home, over the streets, for here we are. In truth, none alone. Christ, O Truth, take my hand.

Aug 18, 20231 min read
Chosen Child, a Poem by Robert Funderburk
He stumbled much
Always arose knowing
Another enemy waited
As the mother shed
Her tears in solitude
Seeing in him
A heart as pure as

May 26, 20231 min read
Solitude, a Poem by Michael S. Glaser
In solitude, I am at ease with myself, able to return to my spirit when it has been shaken bearing witness to the world. In solitude, I...

Paula Pivko
May 19, 20233 min read
The Monster, a Poem by Paula Pivko
2020 was the cruelest year breeding ice-cold storms from pain and hatred long kept hidden away from the sun’s light. Something caged...

May 12, 20231 min read
Loving My Enemies, a Poem by Clara Klein
When trouble lies ahead And evil shows its face, I am urged to retribution, But fight a different war. I do not consider them enemies,...

Dec 9, 20221 min read
Magnolia and Cherry, a Poem by Marjorie Maddox
-Spring 2021 Buds burnt by cold, they open anyway, both pink and blackened, facing the spring. Courage, not innocence: magnolia and...

Oct 7, 20221 min read
Theological Tanka, a Poem by Christina E. Petrides
Each Bible hero— people who became great saints in the end of ends— felt tangibles stripped away in the maturing process. Born in San...
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