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Apr 26, 20242 min read
Another Military Coup, a Poem by Michael Shoemaker
shallow breathing - high piercing sirens screech in the streets -
crouching shoulders - whispers -
fences keeping enemies of the state in -

Jan 19, 20241 min read
The Owl, a Poem by Tasneem Hossain
I sit on the trees in the middle of the nights,
Looking at the stars and northern lights.
I see in the dark, the reality of life;

Nov 3, 20233 min read
МОЇ ЖІНКИ / My Women, Prose by Yuliia Iliukha, translated into English by Hanna Leliv
жінка, яку окупували у власному домі, перетворилася на страх. вона боялася, що її здасть сусідка навпроти. кілька років тому вони аж до...

Debra Ayis
Oct 17, 20231 min read
Jaded, a Poem by Debra Ayis
I am Jaded The pretense, treachery, Deception and lies Dark unyielding hearts controlled by hate I am hardened The wars, the conflict...

Oct 4, 20231 min read
Firefly, a Poem by Katherine Gotthardt*
The world could use more fireflies. Not in a jar, but brightening that space – you know, the one between the space, the night we stare...

Oct 4, 20232 min read
Hanamo, a Poem by Flo Au*
Cluster bombs of ashes and metals and petals of you and me and him and her suffocate the air in the blizzards of fears swiveling our...

Oct 4, 20231 min read
Stay Till the Dawn, You Might Get the Sun, a Poem by Fatima Abdullahi*
I gave my country a home in my chest. With my first cry and my father's signature, I stamped my mark into its soil, & clothed myself with...

Ann Christine Tabaka
Aug 4, 20231 min read
The Cost of Penance, a Poem by Ann Christine Tabaka
There is no justice that can be bought, no time that can
be spared. Words spoken incoherently, scatter in the wind.

Paula Pivko
May 19, 20233 min read
The Monster, a Poem by Paula Pivko
2020 was the cruelest year breeding ice-cold storms from pain and hatred long kept hidden away from the sun’s light. Something caged...

Jan 13, 20231 min read
Loss of Power, a Poem by Gary Beck
In the land of broken dreams conflicting forces conspire to thoroughly divide us into clashing groups, irreconcilable politicians,...

Apr 1, 20221 min read
You Never Arrived, a Poem by Des Mannay
Avoid the trap Of vengeance Of turning on us When Terrorists massacre kids We ran away from men who plant bombs, Wield guns - demand...

Mar 18, 20221 min read
Drones, a Poem by Ed Meek
You can barely hear the dial-tone that hums through the wires of your brain. It is the call of drones, buzzing as they fly on their...

John Grey
Jun 4, 20211 min read
Terror Tales, a Poem by John Grey
Terror can't come to the phone right now. A bomb ate its homework. It's sorry it missed you but it had a hard time getting the sand and...

May 21, 20212 min read
Seed Shells, a Poem by Lynn White
The first seeds were sown a long time ago. When these small seed shells burst open they were scattered locally. They grew patchily at...
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