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Valiant Scribe Literary Journal 

Issue 5 | Winter 2024



We Are Resilient 



“It is not strength that overcomes darkness, but light. Armies may rise, hearts may fail, but still light endures.”

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

We live in dark times. War leaves behind more than physical ruins. It weaves its way into the fabric of human lives, haunting memories and reshaping identities. Yet amid the wreckage and loss, resilience blooms like wildflowers in a wasteland—fragile but defiant. In Issue V: W.A.R. (We Are Resilient), we explore this intricate dance between devastation and the human spirit’s unyielding will to survive, rebuild, and thrive.

This anthology unites voices from across borders, times, and perspectives to paint a mosaic of pain and resilience, how it rises from the embers of war or lingers in the quiet spaces that follow. Through prose and poetry, we delve into stories of those who fight not just for victory, but for the hope of normalcy; those who carry invisible scars yet walk forward; and those whose very act of survival becomes a rebellion against the forces that sought to break them.
Here, resilience is not merely a concept. It is embodied in every soldier’s march, every refugee’s journey, and every civilian’s quiet defiance amid turmoil. Through these stories and poems, we invite you to journey with those who have stood on the brink and found the will to persist. 

In these pages, war is not a distant concept but a living entity, shaping—and shaped by—resilient souls. This Issue calls us to bear witness to their strength and to reflect on our shared capacity to endure, transform, and find hope even in the darkest times.

W.A.R. may be a word of destruction, but in these pages, it transforms into something else: a declaration of resilience. We are resilient. We always will be.


“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

John 1:5 (NIV)


— Debra Ayis​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



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Contributing Editors: Elaine Ries and Andrew Scott
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