Between the wire-barbed bar, lens cap of his life, he can see a worker approaching his cage.
This time, she does not offer him food. She reaches for the sign above his cage ("Puppy for Sale") and pulls it down, the replacement already under-arm.
"Dog for Sale; Marked Down." Partially paid for by what it means to live a life beneath the shadows of humanity's worst traits.
The name tag on his cage reading, "Buddy".
Hazel J. Hall (she/they) is a disabled-queer writer and poet based in rural New Hampshire. She loves making art in all its forms and is heavily inspired by the world beyond her window. More of Hazel's work can be found in Scribes*MICRO*Fiction, Celestite Poetry, and Réapparition Journal, with other pieces forthcoming or visible at her site, hazeljhall.com.