Dear Stranger, how are you?
Curious if you are
witnessing what the rest of us are
cause as an authority figure
you, my friend, are just standing there.
Indigenous citizens are trying
to make a living for themselves
using the waters around them.
Community members are beating the Indigenous boats,
creating one on one violence,
saying the Indigenous community
does not deserve to be there,
burning their businesses down.
striking nothing but fear.
We are seeing all of this.
That is including you.
While protests are being held
a stoic face is over you
however, you are the law
and burning violence
is against the law.
Taking care of all people
regardless of their race
is what you are sworn to do
yet you are doing nothing
but watching the violence.
You took an oath
and until you start showing that
you are a stranger to all of us.
October 27, 2020
©Andrew Scott - Just A Maritime Boy 2020
Andrew Scott is a native of Fredericton, NB. During his time as an active poet, Andrew Scott has taken the time to speak in front of classrooms, judge poetry competitions as well as had over 200 hundred writings published worldwide in such publications as The Art of Being Human, Battered Shadows, and The Broken Ones. He has published five poetry books, Snake With A Flower, The Phoenix Has Risen, The Path, The Storm Is Coming and Searching, and one book of photography, Through My Eyes. Whispers Of The Calm is his sixth poetry book: http://andrewmscott.com