I am Jaded
The pretense, treachery,
Deception and lies
Dark unyielding hearts controlled by hate
I am hardened
The wars, the conflict
Dead bodies pile up, no one is counting
Claiming ‘my loss is greater than yours’
And ‘my life is more important than the other’
I am immune
To kindness, love
Despair calls and beckons
Self – reigns supreme
National interest, perhaps a close second.
I have acknowledged
Your written word is true
The words come to pass.
Wars and rumors of war,*
There is room to love only one
– Self
I am jaded
Empathy becomes apathy
I am liberal but conservative
Or maybe it’s the other way around
Undefined and unrefined
Publicly politically correct
a hypocrite in line with the times
Greed, blood – war.