When you said the house is on fire
I looked around, I'm good, what
should I do, grab my cat and run?
When you said you have stolen my youth
I thought of my own youth stolen
by drugs and TV and basketball
shooting pointless hoops in the
driveway until it got so dark.
When you said we had twelve years left
what can I do, I'm just one little
guy, trying to do what's right
where's the government we need
to lead, oh yeah, that shit-fight
I swapped out all my lightbulbs
and quit using plastic straws
and you -- that's not enough
fire -- do more -- strike -- hunger
strike -- fire -- do more -- green
new deal -- not enough -- lead
We can
turn this cable car around, I did
when I was six, they let kids
help the conductors and brakemen
chosen kids all pushing together
it wouldn't budge, then slowly
it turned counterclockwise -- all
together -- push! -- until it was
going the right direction
the opposite direction
then climb aboard
hang on and ride uphill
cable car super boy
helping the grown men
anything was possible
no problem too big -- if we all
push together, me next to Greta.
E. Martin Pedersen, originally from San Francisco, has lived for over 40 years in eastern Sicily, where he taught English at the local university. His poetry appeared most recently in Ginosko, Metaworker, Triggerfish, Unlikely Stories Mark V, and Grey Sparrow Review among others. Martin is an alumnus of the Community of Writers. He has published two collections of haiku, Bitter Pills,and Smart Pills, and a chapbook, Exile's Choice, just out from Kelsay Books. A full collection, Method & Madness, is forthcoming from Odyssey Press. Martin blogs at: https://emartinpedersenwriter.blogspot.com