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Reprogramming, a Poem by Mary Harwell Sayler

We talk to people on TV –

complaining about products

and fake news.

We tell the weatherman,

“You’re wrong again!”

and criticize his coat, his hair,

his shoes.

We shout against the violence,

wars, and crime. We cry about

the bigotry on the streets –

our outrage raving on and on,

without getting up

from our comfy seats.


Mary Harwell Sayler began reading the Bible and writing poems in childhood and never stopped! Eventually, she placed over 2,500 poems, prayers, articles, children’s stories, and devotionals as well as three dozen books with Christian, indie, and educational publishers. She often leads Bible discussion groups and continues to research and write Bible-based manuscripts, the last of which she recently published herself: The Book of Bible Prayers, Kneeling on the Promises of God, and A Gathering of Poems.


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