(—how long will you stay here
—) fieldglyph stonemarker, you
(—how long
highwaystill & pantryfull
three to a bed—five to a house
treefruit & wildherb
(—but how long can you joy here
(—but how long
storystream & longsoak
march april may
(—joy here
little hand in mine—face against my chest
(—don’t tell me
noonsun & childdream
(—the sun
the sun is an exit—)
*first line adapted from Brenda Hillman
**last lines adapted from Emily Skaja
Sherre Vernon is a seeker of a mystical grammar and a recipient of the Parent-Writer Fellowship at The Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. She has two award-winning chapbooks: "Green Ink Wings" (fiction) and "The Name is Perilous" (poetry). Readers describe Sherre’s work as heartbreaking, richly layered, lyrical, and intelligent. To read more of her work visit www.sherrevernon.com/publications and tag her into conversation @sherrevernon.