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Staying In, a Poem by by Sherre Vernon

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Staying In - Contemporary Poetry

(—how long will you stay here

—) fieldglyph stonemarker, you

(—how long

highwaystill & pantryfull

three to a bed—five to a house

treefruit & wildherb

(—but how long can you joy here

(—but how long

storystream & longsoak

march april may

(—joy here

little hand in mine—face against my chest

(—don’t tell me

noonsun & childdream

(—the sun

the sun is an exit—)

*first line adapted from Brenda Hillman

**last lines adapted from Emily Skaja


Sherre Vernon is a seeker of a mystical grammar and a recipient of the Parent-Writer Fellowship at The Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. She has two award-winning chapbooks: "Green Ink Wings" (fiction) and "The Name is Perilous" (poetry). Readers describe Sherre’s work as heartbreaking, richly layered, lyrical, and intelligent. To read more of her work visit and tag her into conversation @sherrevernon.


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