For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'

Whoever puts much faith
in seers, crystal balls, tarot cards
tea leaves, palm readings
black cats or four-leaf clovers,
séance rappings or voodoo dolls?
While some at least take note
of where and when our stars align
and predicted dates for Armageddon—
if just to prove how right or wrong—
we basically teeter clueless as to
What our futures hold,
as has always been the case
but suddenly Coronavirus finds us
more uncertain, more
conscious of how iffy the road ahead
Which all along has been the fate
of far too many in our midst—
the homeless, the hungry, the ill
or disabled, those living paycheck to
paycheck, every “other.”
Might our present tense-ness
foster empathy with those who must
as a matter of course edge
so tentatively around roadblocks,
over paths so unevenly paved?
Carol Kanter’s poetry has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies. FinishingLine Press published her two chapbooks: “Out of Southern Africa,” and “Chronicle of Dog.” Three art books marry Carol’s poems to her husband’s photography —'No Secret Where Elephants Walk', work from Africa; 'Where the Sacred Dwells', 'Namaste', work from India, Nepal and Bhutan; and 'Where Forest Temples Whisper' work from SE Asia (See